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Tax technical publications

Find out about our statements, publications and more at the link below. 

About our publications

Customer surveys

Public Rulings and Technical Standards (together referred to as the Public Statements Service) run a three yearly customer survey to identify levels of customer satisfaction and to invite comments on ways in which they can improve products and services.

See the 2021 survey report

Prosecution guidelines

These guidelines detail the structured approach for all prosecution activity that Inland Revenue undertakes.

Our prosecution guidelines

Business groups

Tax Counsel Office | Te Tari Tohutohu Tāke

The Tax Counsel Office (TCO) produces a number of statements and rulings, such as interpretation statements, binding public rulings and determinations, aimed at explaining how tax law affects taxpayers and their agents. The TCO also contributes to the "Questions we've been asked" and "Your opportunity to comment" sections where taxpayers and their agents can comment on proposed statements and rulings.

Legal Services | Ngā Ratonga Ture

Legal Services manages all disputed tax litigation and associated challenges to Inland Revenue's investigative and assessment process including declaratory judgement and judicial review litigation. They contribute the legal decisions and case notes on recent tax decisions made by the Taxation Review Authority and the courts.

Technical Standards

Technical Standards sits within Legal Services and contributes the standard practice statements which describe how the Commissioner of Inland Revenue will exercise a statutory discretion or deal with practical operational issues arising out of the administration of the Inland Revenue Acts. They also produce determinations on standard costs and amortisation or depreciation rates for fixed life property used to produce income, as well as other statements on operational practice related to topical tax matters. Technical Standards also contributes to the "Your opportunity to comment" section.

Policy and Regulatory Stewardship

Policy advises the Government on all aspects of tax policy and on social policy measures that interact with the tax system. They contribute information about new legislation and policy issues as well as Orders in Council.

IR Tax Policy website