Student loan scheme - contact person details
The Student Loan Scheme (Details of Borrower's Contact Person) Regulations 2012 specifies additional information the loan manager must provide to IR if available.
The Student Loan Scheme (Details of Borrower's Contact Person) Regulations 2012 specifies two additional pieces of information that the loan manager (StudyLink) must provide to Inland Revenue, to the extent they are available.
As a condition of accessing the student loan scheme for a course of study commencing from 1 January 2013, students will be required to provide the name, address and phone number of an alternate contact person. Applicants may also provide an electronic address.
From 1 January 2013 the Student Loan Scheme Amendment Act 2012 introduces new section 16A to the Student Loan Scheme Act 2011. New section 16A will require the loan manager (StudyLink) to provide details described above to Inland Revenue to the extent that they are available.
These regulations specify two additional pieces of information that the loan manager must provide to Inland Revenue to the extent that they are available. They are:
- the contact person's date of birth; and
- the contact person's tax file number (Inland Revenue number).
Applicants can choose to supply this additional information to StudyLink when they provide the details of their contact person, although it will not be a requirement for accessing the student loan scheme.
Student Loan Scheme (Details of Borrower's Contact Person) Regulations 2012