TIB - November 1998
Binding rulings
- Year 2000 expenditure – income tax deductibility (BR Pub 98/4)
Questions we’ve been asked
- Private and product binding rulings – to whom do they apply?
- Child support deductions from holiday pay
Interpretation statements
- Temporary imports such as yachts – zero-rating for goods and services tax
Legislation and determinations
- Laser cutting machines – draft depreciation determination
- Inland Revenue now able to supply information to Department for Courts
Legal decisions - case notes
- Case stated – whether filed with court in time (JB Sayer v CIR)
- Share portfolio establishment cost – deductibility (TRA 97/14)
- National super surcharge when overseas pension credited to Income Support (TRA 97/121, 97/122)
- Loss offset in group of companies (Golden Bay Cement Co Ltd v CIR)
- Lease inducement payment – capital receipt (Wattie & Lawrence v CIR)
- Challenging assessment within two months – whether exceptional circumstances existed (Milburn NZ Ltd v CIR)
- Farm land leased – value of supply for GST (TRA 97/40) .