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Vol 21 No 4
01 Jun 2009

TIB - June 2009

Binding rulings

  • Public ruling BR Pub 09/02: Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) – fringe benefit tax (FBT) liability

Legislation and determinations

  • DET 09/02: Standard-cost household service for childcare providers
  • FDR 2009/1: A type of attributing interest in a foreign investment fund for which a person may not use the fair dividend rate method (AMP future directions international bond fund)
  • FDR 2009/2: A type of attributing interest in a foreign investment fund for which a person may not use the fair dividend rate method (PIMCO Wholesale Global Bond Fund)
  • CPI Adjustment – CPI 09/01 for Determination DET 05/03: Standard-cost household service for boarding service providers
  • National average market values of specified livestock determination 2009

Legal decisions – case notes

  • TRA allows deduction for GST input tax on legal services provided in Trusts
  • Interlocutory application for stay of liquidation proceedings pending judicial review dismissal
  • Expenditure must be significantly in connection with determination of assessable income
  • Scope of judicial review limited in tax cases